Since you’re here, I’m going to assume you want to learn how to look amazing in your photos. Maybe you even feel like you’ve got the “unphotogenic curse”? I get it. And you’re certainly not alone.
Here’s what I hear from my clients all the time, both men and women alike:
I never take a good picture.
I always look like I have a double chin.
I’m waiting until I lose 10, 20, 30 lbs to get professional photographs done.
I never know what to wear in photographs.
I feel self-conscious stepping in front of a camera.
I try to avoid having my picture taken.
So on and so on…
But the truth is: Being photogenic is a skill, and you have the power to master it just as well as those models and celebrities you see in the magazines. It just takes a little practice, finesse, and knowledge about what looks good on camera—and what doesn’t.
But that’s what I’m here for! To help you whip out your inner Gisele Bündchen (or David Beckham) the next time you’re in front of the camera, feel free to be yourself with every snap, and of course, look good doing it.
Whether you’re having professional photographs taken, getting an impromptu picture taken with your team at a business function, or trying to avoid those awkward family photos when you’re vacationing with your family, I’ve got the secrets and inside tricks to help you feel SO confident, you’ll want to hog the camera instead of hide from it.
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